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Workshop : Comparative dramaturgy: methods and challenges. Belgian and Japanese perspectives

Publié le 15 juin 2023 Mis à jour le 15 juin 2023

This first workshop within the framework of a joint research project between Waseda University and Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) aims to stimulate transcultural perspectives both on theatre historiography and on contemporary theatre practices, challenging established narratives on theatre history and contemporary performing arts which often take the context of the nation-state for granted or, the other way around, reduce the complexity of transcultural hybridization to postmodern globalization.

The aim of this first workshop is to identify possible shared frameworks and references through well-defined research cases – European or Japanese – taken from a specific historiographic context. The framework on the workshop is focused on exchange and discussion. The organizers will provide synthetic translation Japanese – English (in both directions) when required.
With the participation of
Patrick Devos, Vanessa Frangville, Shintaro Fujii, Sarah Janssens, Ryuichi Kodama, Kyoko Iwaki, Nikolaus Müller-Schöll, Kaori Oki, Marielle Pelissero, Seigo Tanokuchi, Franziska Trapp, Christophe Triau, Karel Vanhaesebrouck (provisional program)

If you would like to participate to this workshop, please send a short motivation letter to Valerie.carlier@ulb.be. Participants are required to attend and participate the entire week.
Workshop organized by Shintaro Fujii (Waseda University) and Karel Vanhaesebrouck (Université Libre de Bruxelles) with the support of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Research (JSPS), the National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), the Research Centre for Cinema and Performance Studies (CiASp) and the Centre for East Asian Studies (EASt) of ULB.
Du 28 août 2023 au 1 septembre 2023

August 28 – September 1 2023, 10:00-13:00 every morning


ULB - Solbosch - Avenue F. Roosevelt 50, 1050 Brussels - UD6.211